DJ Semtex

DJ Semtex

I condemn everything [Ye] stands for right now. I’ve said that from when he first put on the MAGA hat...He's one of the greatest musicians ever, one of the greatest creative visionaries, but he’s destroyed so much within a couple of months. Don’t challenge DJ Semtex...

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Abby Martin

Abby Martin

"We’ve already had a Clinton in the White House. We know exactly what’s going to happen...This is like House of Cards. Frank Underwood doesn’t work alone, he works with his wife." Who does Abby Martin think she is? She's white. American. She has her own TV show. She's...

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Teju Cole

Teju Cole

"Everybody reads, but I read like a maniac. I go deep down inside the text and bind it into my heart so that it has an influence on my own writing. When I write a piece, I am making myself so close to the language that it is super intense and super exhausting."   In...

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Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean

"For a kid, having a Halloween birthday really makes you feel unique, and being a red-head, you are unique...From the time I could think about who I was, I felt that I was not like everyone else."      Only Halloween could birth one of history's most...

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Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow

"L. Ron Hubbard does not have the neurological excuse for the declining quality of his work. I think it can only be attributed to the fact that he was a colossal asshole."   Cory Doctorow attended four universities but never completed a degree. Today, the Toronto...

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Charles Bowden

Charles Bowden

  "I got messages, threats, delivered two or three times. You never take those seriously. The people who are going to kill you don’t send messages, they send bullets." Patagonia, Arizona boasts one the best bird watching experiences in the world. It's a place American...

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William Langewiesche

William Langewiesche

"I've come close to the possibility of getting killed occasionally...I've been mortared, I've had a house destroyed by rockets, I've been chuck bombed, I've been shot at. But whatever, it's not very frightening. "   William Langewiesche is a very lucky man....

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Gay Talese

Gay Talese

"When you're wearing a great suit you don't feel it, it fits you so perfectly because it's measured again and again to achieve a finality. That's what good writing is, it's well tailored." For the past 50 plus years, Gay Talese has been meticulously and painstakingly...

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Robert Fowler

Robert Fowler

 "Celine Dion has a huge international following...So, it isn't surprising that a Senegalese man would know of, and admire, her. But, to have this come from an Al-Qaeda captor in the Sahara Desert, some weeks into our captivity, was so bizarre."    ...

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Michela Wrong

Michela Wrong

"'Use a condom', and 'Don't eat any salads'. I think that's the best advice you can give anyone in Africa. " After nearly 19 years reporting on some of the most dire situations in Africa, it's great to see that British journalist and author Michela Wrong still has a...

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Peter Greste

Peter Greste

"You break down every major conflict on this continent, and you'll find at the very root of it the same thing. I think that's one of the things, collectively, journalists have let the world down in. It's been lazy, cliche journalism that has led to some gross...

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Jeff Koinange

Jeff Koinange

"Look, it’s been four years and a lot has happened in my life in that time, not least of which has been rebuilding my journalism career from ‘scratch’. That’s taken a lot of hard work and sacrifice, and every day is a reminder that...

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